Feel good, look good! The physical and emotional well-beeing are two sides of the same coin, two equally important elements for which Bioline Jato guarantees the same respect, care and quality of service.
Cellulite is a fairly widespread functional change caused by water retention. There are many causes of its occurrence such as inappropriate diet, hormonal imbalance, incorrect lifestyle and hereditary factors. These factors lead to a change in blood and lymphatic circulation, which causes fluid stagnation in the body.
They mean the presence of accumulated fat tissue in certain parts of the body. They are characterized by an increase in the volume and number of fat cells without, however, changing the structure or function of the skin tissue. Unlike cellulite, this is a localized increase in “healthy” fat tissue. In women, it is concentrated around the hips, buttocks and thighs, in men it mainly affects the abdomen.
The natural slowing of epidermal renewal and reduction of lipid production causes dryness and roughness of the skin. The first visible signs of skin aging appear on its outer surface. The skin no longer functions as a protective barrier and is marked by wrinkles, thinning and loss of tension. The loss of elastin and collagen in the skin is behind the loss of firmness and elasticity.
Our body treatments offer:

This treatment is for those who want a treatment that works locally on blemishes linked to cellulite, water retuntion, adiposity and loss of tone.
Price: 1 treatment 1700,- Kč
4 treatmetns 6500,- Kč included GIFT which is special product for home care for 1500,- Kč.

Ideal for blemishes caused by stubborn cellulite, water retention and fragility. For those clients who feel their legs swollen and heavy, especially in the evening, for those who are sedentary and stand for a long time.
Price: 1 treatment 1700,- Kč
4 treatmetns 6500,- Kč included GIFT which is special product for home care for 1450,- Kč.

For localized and widespread adiposity, for men and woman. Ideal for body fat deposit, in order to obtain a firmer-looking appearance. For clients who feels weighed down and out of shape.
Price: 1 treatment 1700,- Kč
4 treatmetns 6500,- Kč included GIFT which is special product for home care for 1450,- Kč.